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Title 24: What's New in the 2016 Code?

Posted by Jimm Reifsnyder

Jun 1, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Many Californians have wondered "what is Title 24?" and "why do I need a Title 24 energy report for my project?"


Throughout California the Title 24 energy standards address the energy efficiency of new homes and commercial buildings. Because energy efficiency reduces energy costs, increases reliability and availability of electricity, improves building occupant comfort, and reduces impacts to the environment, standards are important and necessary for California’s energy future. In 1978 the California legislature enacted the Title 24 energy standards. 

The goal of the California Title 24 energy standards is the reduction of energy use. This is a benefit to all. Homeowners save money, Californians have a more secure and healthy economy, the environment is less negatively impacted, and our electrical system can operate in a more stable state. 

What's new in the 2016 code?

  • All High Efficacy Lighting - Indoor and outdoor lighitng for new homes must be high efficacy
  • Simplified Control Requirements - Lighting control requirements for indoor spaces are now simplier. Control requirements are based, in nearly all cases, on the type of lamp or luminaire installed, not the space. 
  • JA8 Updated - Joint appendix JA8 regulations now contain requirements for more types of residential high efficacy lamps and luminaire. In the 2013 standards, JA8 regulations only applied to LED sources. 

California's new residential Building Energy Efficiency Standards take effect on January 1, 2017. The 2016 Standards focus on several key areas to improve the energy efficiency of newly constructed buildings, additions and alterations to existing buildings. The most significant efficiency improvements address attics, walls, water heating and lighting.

The California Energy Commission estimates that the 2016 standards will deliver approximately 281 gigawatt-hours of electricity savings annually and reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 160,000 metric tons. This is enough electricity to power 500,000 California homes each year. These standards represent a major step towards meeting California's residential Zero Net Energy (ZNE) goal by the year 2020. Updates enhance and simplify previous requirements and lay the foundation for additional efficiency improvements slated for 2019 code.


 CLICK HERE to download the Title 24 Brochure for California’s 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards!

Topics: energy standards, Title 24 2016 Codes, building energy efficiency standards

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